Poop is the Last Fronter of the Human Body by the Daily Beast features interview with Rob Knight on the American Gut Project
This week @ UC San Diego, The American Gut Project: What’s In Your Gut?
NOVA segment: What’s Living In You? featuring Rob Knight, Jack Gilbert, and other collaborators with the Knight Lab
Discussion with the Knight Lab’s own, Stefan Janssen, on the importance of 16S sequencing here
Rob Knight and Jack Gilbert interview with Science Friday about the Earth Microbiome Project. Interview can be found here
Check out Radio New Zealand’s most recent podcast which feature’s Knight lab postdoc Chris Callewaert discussing his research on the role of microbes in body odor @ http://www.radionz.co.nz/programmes/the-science-of/story/201854253/the-science-of-sweat
Rob was recently featured on Radio New Zealand speaking about his new book “Dirt is Good”. Listen at http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/ 201853301/when-grubby-is-good
Rob Knight, Embriette Hyde, and Lisa Marotz were featured in a CNN segment, “Mapping the Human Microbiome”. You can view it at http://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2017/07/24/vital-signs-mapping-the-human-microbiome-a.cnn - Congratulations to the American Gut Project team!
ASM Cultures Quarterly – Vol 3 Issue 3 ‘The Human Microbiome’ featuring Dr. Knight in the “Happening Now” feature @ http://asmcultures.org/3-3/4/
Dr. Knight is among a group of 10 winners of San Diego Life Science trade group Biocom’s Life Science Catalyst Awards. The awards are presented to “rising stars in research,