‘The Living Dead’

NY Times Magazine writes about studying the microbes involved in decomposition for forensic science at http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/24/magazine/the-living-dead.html?_r=1    

Rob at TED 2014

Rob presented on March 19 in the session entitled “US” as part of this year’s TED Conference in Vancouver, BC. Read TED’s recap here: http://blog.ted.com/2014/03/19/how-microbes-could-cure-disease-rob-knight-at-ted2014/


As microbial ecologists continue to take advantage of high-throughput analytical techniques to describe microbial communities across ever-increasing numbers of samples, the need for new analysis tools that reveal the intrinsic


Evident is a web-based software tool with an interactive user interface, implemented in HTML, Web Graphics Library, mod_python and QIIME. The interface of Evident provides: (i) parameter selection (i.e., study


EMPeror is an interactive next generation tool for the analysis, visualization and understanding of high throughput microbial ecology datasets. Due to its tailor-made graphical user interface, delving into a new