Members of the QIIME development group, led by Greg Caporaso and Antonio Gonzalez, will teach a two-day workshop on bioinformatics tools for microbial ecology. The workshop will include lectures covering
American Gut Project current project manager Embriette and former manager Daniel talk about the gut microbiome, citizen science, and how you can participate! Listen in at
NY Times Magazine writes about studying the microbes involved in decomposition for forensic science at
Fermentation Festival Rapid Response sequencing paves the way for clinical applications of microbiome and metabolome data. Read the press at
eLife Sciences interview with Jessica Metcalf on July 10,2014
The Knight Lab submitted a video entry to the NIH Common Fund Video Contest showing how our work helped rescue researchers from an avalanche of data! To view the video,
Rob presented on March 19 in the session entitled “US” as part of this year’s TED Conference in Vancouver, BC. Read TED’s recap here:
As microbial ecologists continue to take advantage of high-throughput analytical techniques to describe microbial communities across ever-increasing numbers of samples, the need for new analysis tools that reveal the intrinsic
Evident is a web-based software tool with an interactive user interface, implemented in HTML, Web Graphics Library, mod_python and QIIME. The interface of Evident provides: (i) parameter selection (i.e., study
EMPeror is an interactive next generation tool for the analysis, visualization and understanding of high throughput microbial ecology datasets. Due to its tailor-made graphical user interface, delving into a new