Rob Knight explains Why you need a personalized diet in the Daily Mail
Only Women Speakers at Microbiome Conference stirs controversy. Hosted by the Center for Microbiome Innovation, the Director, Dr. Rob Knight, weighs in on his reaction to the backlash.
In Mental Floss, Rob Knight discusses the American Gut Project, and how it analyzes the micro biome with a fecal sample here: Scientists at UC San Diego Want You to discusses a microbiome search engine with Dr. Rob Knight see here: Scientists Develop Microbiome Search Engine to assess Microbiome Novelty and Impact
“Are Microbiome Diagnostic Tests Worth It?” features Rob Knight discussing Microbiome in TONIC
UC San Diego Health features Rob Knight as he discusses “Scientists Call for Microbial ‘Noah’s Ark’ to Protect Global Health.”
Chris Callawaert, PhD featured in Shape Magazine article dicussing “Do your armpits need detoxing?”
Wall Street Journal article featuring Rob Knight “Gut Feeling: To Stay Healthy, Keep Your Body’s Microbes in Line”
Dr. Rob Knight featured on BBC to answer the question, “How can you improve your microbiome?”
Poop is the Last Fronter of the Human Body by the Daily Beast features interview with Rob Knight on the American Gut Project