Fermentation Festival Rapid Response sequencing paves the way for clinical applications of microbiome and metabolome data. Read the press at http://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2016-04-26-fermentation-festival-leads-to-rapid-response-system.aspx
eLife Sciences interview with Jessica Metcalf on July 10,2014 http://elifesciences.org/From-ancient-DNA-to-decay-an-interview-with-Jessica-Metcalf
The Knight Lab submitted a video entry to the NIH Common Fund Video Contest showing how our work helped rescue researchers from an avalanche of data! To view the video,
Rob presented on March 19 in the session entitled “US” as part of this year’s TED Conference in Vancouver, BC. Read TED’s recap here: http://blog.ted.com/2014/03/19/how-microbes-could-cure-disease-rob-knight-at-ted2014/
Rob, Jess, and Sybil Bucheli of Sam Houston State University talk to NPR about their forensic work. (September 23, 2013) http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/09/23/219375086/could-detectives-use-microbes-to-solve-murders
Rob and Jeff Leach talk to Maanvi Singh of The Salt about gut microbes, diet, and the current status of microbiome research. (November 8, 2013) http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/11/08/243929866/can-we-eat-our-way-to-a-healthier-microbiome-its-complicated
Stanley Malloy interviews Rob for ASM’s MicrobeWorld series. (January 9, 2014)
Antonio, Yoshiki, Mike Sadowsky, and Alexander Khoruts from the University of Minnesota explain how fecal transplantation can radically change and restore healthy gut microbiota. (January 27, 2014)